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March 18, 2024 | Categories /

Most organizations have adopted a multi-cloud, hybrid approach, where private cloud plays an essential role. According to Flexera’s 2024 State of the Cloud Report, 36% of organizations use VMware vSphere/vCenter private cloud, up from 28% YoY. This growth reflects businesses embracing the profound impact that IAAS, as part of hybrid and multicloud strategies, can have on operations. By leveraging the scalability and flexibility of cloud technology, enterprises can optimize processes, boost productivity, and stay ahead in a competitive market environment where agility and adaptability are key.

Among the diverse array of cloud services available, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) stands out as a cornerstone, offering increased performance, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Selecting the right IaaS service provider is key. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the aspects of IaaS, explore the multifaceted role of service providers, and spotlight Opus Interactive as the premier choice for enterprises seeking to unlock the full potential of cloud infrastructure.

Understanding the Evolving Landscape of IaaS:

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses manage their IT infrastructure. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) represents a paradigm shift to scalable, on-demand storage, process, and compute over capital intensive models of owning and managing infrastructure.

Graphic showing the managed services included with dedicated IaaS and private cloud solutions.

IaaS enables businesses to offload the management of physical infrastructure to third-party service providers, who in turn provide virtual resources such as servers, storage, and networking on a pay-as-you-go basis. This model not only eliminates the need for costly upfront investments in hardware but also provides businesses with the agility and flexibility to scale resources up or down and eliminate the day-to-day management of infrastructure, allowing their teams to focus on core business services.

Benefits of IaaS:

  • Cost Savings:
    • One of the primary benefits of IaaS is its ability to reduce infrastructure costs significantly. By leveraging cloud-based resources, businesses can avoid the capital expenditures associated with purchasing and maintaining physical hardware. Instead, they pay only for the resources they consume on a pay-as-you-go basis, leading to substantial cost savings over time.
  • Scalability:
    • IaaS offers unparalleled scalability, allowing businesses to scale resources up or down in real-time to meet fluctuating demand. Whether it’s adding additional compute capacity to handle peak workloads or scaling storage to accommodate growing data volumes, IaaS provides businesses with the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements without disruption.
  • Agility:
    • With IaaS, businesses can rapidly deploy new applications and services, enabling them to respond quickly to market demands and stay ahead of the competition. The self-service nature of IaaS allows developers to provision resources on-demand, reducing time-to-market and accelerating innovation.
  • Security & Compliance:
    • IaaS allows enterprises to seamlessly deploy new applications and services into environments equipped with compliance standards and advanced security features. This eliminates the need for extensive investments in creating policies, defining processes, or undergoing laborious third-party audits. Providers also secure data in multiple ways like OS patching, hardening, system performance alert management, and MDR.
  • Augment IT Skills:
    • Embracing IaaS allows enterprise teams to streamline operations by entrusting the management of intricate architectural setups to external providers. This strategic move not only lightens the burden of overseeing complex IT infrastructure but also empowers organizations to redirect their resources towards honing core business functions, fostering growth and innovation.
  •  Innovation:
    • IaaS provides businesses with access to cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure, enabling them to experiment with new ideas and drive innovation. By offloading the management of underlying infrastructure to third-party providers, businesses can focus on developing innovative solutions that differentiate them in the market.

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IaaS Service Providers

There are a number of infrastructure technologies for organizations to choose from. While Azure is the current leader, VMware has seen growth in the past year among enterprise customers. The growing utilization of vSphere/vCenter paints a clear picture. The busage trends underscore the enduring appeal and significance of VMware’s products, indicating that enterprises are not quick to part ways with these trusted solutions after speculation following the Broadcom acquisition and changes to the legacy partner program, transitioning to the invitation-only model.

IaaS technologies used by enterprise IT in 2024.

IaaS Use Cases and Industries:

  • Use Cases:
    • IaaS solutions are ideal for a wide range of use cases, including application hosting, big data analysis,  data storage and backup, disaster recovery, and high-performance computing. Whether it’s a small startup looking to launch a new product or a large enterprise seeking to modernize its IT infrastructure, IaaS offers the flexibility and scalability to meet diverse needs.
  • Industries:
    • Virtually every industry can benefit from IaaS solutions. For example, e-commerce companies can leverage IaaS to scale their infrastructure during peak shopping seasons, while healthcare organizations can securely store and analyze patient data in the cloud. Similarly, financial services firms can use IaaS for risk management and compliance, while media and entertainment companies can deliver streaming content to global audience

Opus Interactive IaaS Case Study

A Comparison between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Models:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
    • IaaS provides businesses with access to virtualized computing resources, including servers, storage, and networking, delivered over the internet as a service. With IaaS, businesses are responsible for managing applications, data, runtime, middleware, and the operating system.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS):
    • PaaS offers a higher level of abstraction compared to IaaS, providing businesses with a platform for developing, deploying, and managing applications without the complexity of managing underlying infrastructure. PaaS providers handle the infrastructure, runtime, middleware, and development tools, allowing developers to focus solely on writing code.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS):
    • SaaS delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis, eliminating the need for businesses to install, maintain, and update software locally. With SaaS, businesses access applications through a web browser, with the provider handling all aspects of software maintenance, including updates, patches, and security.

Illustration showing side by side comparison of On-premises, IaaS, and PaaS cloud models.

Explore Emerging Trends and Technologies Shaping the Future of IaaS:

  • Edge Computing:
    • Edge computing brings computing resources closer to the edge of the network, enabling real-time processing of data generated by IoT devices, sensors, and other edge devices. IaaS providers are increasingly offering edge computing services to support latency-sensitive applications and enable new use cases such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities.
  • Hybrid Cloud:
    • Hybrid cloud combines on-premises infrastructure with public and private cloud resources, allowing businesses to leverage the scalability and flexibility of the cloud while maintaining control over sensitive data and applications. IaaS providers are expanding their offerings to include hybrid cloud solutions, enabling seamless integration between on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Serverless Architecture:
    • Serverless architecture abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on writing code without worrying about provisioning or managing servers. IaaS providers are embracing serverless computing models such as Function as a Service (FaaS), enabling businesses to build and deploy event-driven applications with greater efficiency and scalability.

The Role of IaaS Service Providers:

IaaS service providers play a pivotal role in enabling businesses to leverage the benefits of cloud infrastructure. Beyond simply provisioning virtualized resources, service providers are tasked with a myriad of responsibilities aimed at ensuring the reliability, security, and performance of their infrastructure offerings. Let’s explore some of the key roles and responsibilities of IaaS service providers in greater detail:

  • Provisioning and Management of Infrastructure:
    • At the core of their responsibilities, IaaS service providers are tasked with provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure required to support businesses’ critical workloads and applications. This includes deploying virtual servers, storage volumes, and networking resources, as well as ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and availability.
  • Scalability and Elasticity:
    • One of the defining features of IaaS is its inherent scalability and elasticity, allowing businesses to scale resources up or down in response to fluctuating demand. Service providers must design their infrastructure to accommodate rapid scaling, whether it’s provisioning additional compute resources to handle peak workloads or expanding storage capacity to accommodate growing data volumes.
  • Security and Compliance:
    • Security is a paramount concern for businesses entrusting their data and applications to third-party service providers. IaaS service providers must implement robust security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. This includes deploying firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption mechanisms, and adhering to industry-specific compliance standards and regulations.
  • Performance Optimization:
    • Service providers must optimize the performance of their infrastructure to deliver consistent, high-performance computing experiences for their customers. This involves leveraging advanced technologies such as load balancing, caching, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to minimize latency, maximize throughput, and enhance the overall user experience.
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:
    • Disaster recovery and business continuity are critical considerations for businesses operating in today’s interconnected world. IaaS service providers play a pivotal role in ensuring the resilience and availability of their customers’ applications and data by implementing robust backup and recovery solutions, failover mechanisms, and geographically distributed data centers to mitigate the risk of downtime and data loss.
  • Technical Support and Customer Service:
    • Exceptional customer support is a hallmark of reputable IaaS service providers. From onboarding and deployment to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting, service providers must offer round-the-clock technical support and customer service to address their customers’ needs and resolve any issues or concerns in a timely and efficient manner.

Why Customers Choose Opus Interactive as a IaaS Service Provider:

Finding the right cloud services partner can be a daunting task for enterprise customers. In a crowded marketplace teeming with IaaS providers, Opus Interactive distinguishes itself through its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why Opus Interactive stands out as the premier choice for businesses seeking a reliable and innovative IaaS partner:

Graphic showing key concerns for enterprises when seeking a managed services provider.

  • Cost, Reliability, and Performance:
    • The cost of downtime and cloud sprawl can make or break an organization’s IT budget. Opus Interactive has a 28+ year proven track record of delivering industry-leading uptime and performance, thanks to its state-of-the-art infrastructure, redundant network connectivity, and robust SLAs (Service Level Agreements) that guarantee reliability and availability. By partnering with Opus Interactive, businesses can rest assured that their critical workloads and applications are housed on tailored solutions right-sized for their unique needs and will remain accessible and responsive at all times.
  • Service, Scalability, and Flexibility:
    • Opus has a 100% CSAT and 9.409 NPS. With Opus Interactive, businesses can scale resources up or down on-demand, without any disruptions to their operations. Whether it’s scaling compute, storage, or networking resources, Opus Interactive offers unparalleled flexibility and agility to meet the evolving needs of its customers. By leveraging Opus Interactive’s scalable infrastructure, businesses can easily accommodate growth, handle spikes in demand, and adapt to changing market conditions with ease.
  • Security and Compliance:
    • Opus Interactive places a premium on the security and privacy of its customers’ data and applications. Through a comprehensive suite of security measures, including ecosystem monitoring, MDR, advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and adherence to industry-specific compliance standards such as HIPAA, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, and SOC 2, Opus Interactive ensures that its customers’ sensitive information remains protected against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. Added business continuity measures include backup and disaster recovery and operations from world class facilities located across three separate regions and energy grids for maximum reliability.
  • Strategic Partnerships:
    • Opus has spent nearly 30 years developing strong partnerships with world class providers across the cloud and data center network to enable customers to have seamless service with best in class offerings to enable hybrid and multi-cloud solutions, cloud monitoring, cloud security, business continuity, and network. The company delivers solutions from tier 3 facilities and offers services for all top cloud technologies. Opus Interactive is also an approved Premier Broadcom partner and approved white label service provider in the revamped program.
  • Environmental Responsibility:
    • Sustainability is a core value at Opus Interactive. As a socially responsible company, Opus Interactive is passionately committed to minimizing its environmental footprint by leveraging net zero facilities, right-sized environments, energy-efficient infrastructure, and promoting sustainable business practices. By choosing Opus Interactive as their IaaS provider, businesses can align their IT infrastructure needs with their sustainability goals and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.
  • Community Engagement:
    • Opus Interactive believes in giving back to the community and making a positive impact on society. Through its various social responsibility programs and initiatives, Opus Interactive actively supports local charities, volunteers in community service projects, and advocates for environmental conservation and social justice. By partnering with Opus Interactive, businesses can join forces with a company that shares their values and is committed to making a difference in the world.

Call Opus to learn about our tailored IaaS solutions

In conclusion, selecting the right IaaS service provider is a strategic decision that can have a profound impact on your business’s success. By understanding the evolving landscape of IaaS, evaluating key factors such as reliability, scalability, security, and customer-centricity, and exploring Opus Interactive’s unique value proposition, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their objectives and growth aspirations. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovative solutions, and values-driven approach, Opus Interactive emerges as the ideal partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of cloud infrastructure to drive innovation, accelerate growth, and stay ahead of the competition. By choosing Opus Interactive as their trusted IaaS service provider, businesses can embark on a transformative journey towards success, resilience, and sustainability in the digital age.

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